Oct 14Liked by Diane Shipley

Continued!! I accidentally posted it.

The more you can expand your world in little ways by being in contact with others and, when possible, getting out of the house, the better. I often dont want to see anyone, but when i do i feel more human and much happier.Distraction is good, especially if its something enjoyable. Self care is great too! Your haircut story made me laugh! Especially the fascist style/ Debbie Harry bit. Your Mum would find that hilarious!

I've cut and dyed my own hair since lockdown and have had some dodgy cuts, especially when cutting my fringe straight(ish).but nothing too disastrous thankfully.

Phone me if you ever want to chat and maybe we can plan a meet up if there's a way that you're comfortable with?

Youre in my thoughts and I'm sorry things are so tough at the moment and im no practical help.

It honestly won't feel this bad forever. Those feeings of pleasure and normality will happen more and more until they take up most of the day again.

Big hugs and a squeeeeeeeeeze xxxxx

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Thanks Rachael, I really do appreciate your kind words and hard-won perspective (and will be in touch again soon). Hee, my mum really would enjoy the home haircut story! I'd been trimming hers the last couple of years and she was quite pleased with the results, but of course it's a LOT easier to do someone else's (and she didn't want layers). Hugs appreciated and returned! xxxx

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Oct 14Liked by Diane Shipley

Hi Diane. I'm glad you're starting to see little glimpses of relief and happiness and we'll, just normality. It'll take time but it does get better. It really does. Obviously, that's easier for me to say because I can get out and about more easily. But the more you can expand uou

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My mom was also the only person in the world who wanted to know every mundane little detail about the goings-on of my life. Thanks for sharing. ❤️

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Thank you for reading 💓

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Of course you are allowed to grieve in any way you want, or to take breaks from grieving! That's what your mom would want for you.

Also, get some cheap hair scissors and try again. I've been cutting my own hair (and my husband's) for a year now and it gets easier. Everything gets easier after a while.

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Thank you ❤️ And yes, I haven’t given up on the haircutting — it will always grow back.

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